Under the microscope, there were three histologic types in child synovial folds and most of them belonged to adipose type or fibro-adipose type. 镜下观察儿童有三种不同的组织学类型,其中以脂肪型和纤维脂肪型为主(88.9%)。
Results Free nerve endings could be seen at both synovial folds and ligaments. 结果滑膜皱折、韧带部均具有游离神经末梢。
Results: There were synovial folds in most joints in both adult and child group. 结果:无论成人还是儿童,各腰椎间关节均可出现滑膜皱襞。
Observation and measurment of the Synovial folds of the hip joints were made on 21 embalmed cadavers of each of the fetus, children and adult groups. 观测了胎儿、儿童和成人组各21具防腐尸体的髋关节骨膜皱襞。